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Is this the end of HR?
24-01-2003 HR services/Hewitt Inside source: PeppeR
A few members of the profession foretell that the present maintaining structure of the so-called HR, i.e. the nowadays popular modern human resource management is near to its end and it should be redesigned from scratch. This topic was discussed on the conference where Dr. Zsolt Szelecki, managing director of Hewitt Inside, held an interactive lecture with the title "This is the end of HR".
  During the thought-provoking lecture on the National Humanpolitical Conference and Exhibition (organized by OHE) the participants were searching for the answer on where the HR is heading to. The basic problem of HR experts they have to face is how to make HR department the most important corporate unit, which is the main requirement, though HR departments still do not belong to the main corporate units. "We do not need to be afraid of having ended the "career" of HR but we have to accept the fact that new roads are to be discovered in this field" - said Dr. Zsolt Szelecki. To achieve success comprehensiveness, open-mindedness towards innovations and changes are essential.
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