Education and employment systems face modernisation.
The event series of the Hungarian Parliament and the European Parliament continued in Veszprém, with focus on how education and employment systems can and should serve the development of the knowledge based society.
Members of parliaments, experts and the audience agreed, only proactive approach, the acceptance of the life long learning concept can help the individual find and keep their jobs. The demographic situation of Hungary, where the aging population faces a 1,2-1,3 natural reproduction ratio, needs to be balanced by a set of comprehensive policies, including handling of social issues, immigration and achieving a considerably higher activity rate of the adult population. Through EU funded programs, considerable changes can be reached in the field of human infrastructure. A total of 1500 billion forints will be dedicated to restructuring of the grown up education, development of non-traditional forms of employment, improvement of employment position of disadvantaged people. The next event of the series will be in Debrecen, focusing on infrastructure development and issues of transport and environmental protection.